
SaltPay, all rights reserved. 2022 ©

Version 1.0.1


This document describes the CompanyCardIssuing wcf service. Used to get transactions and basic cardaccount information for companycards issued by SaltPay

Usage guidelines

It is recommended to use "Service Reference" rather than "Web Reference" when connecting from a .NET 3.0+ client. This is a more recent approach and is designed to work with WCF services. For more details on how to consume SaltPay's WCF services ask for the Service usage guide.


A test service is available for use while client is being implemented. Contact SaltPay for test access information. When implementation is completed this information has to be replaced with the proper user account supplied by SaltPay, production URL. Contact SaltPay for production access.

Service overview

Service method name Description
GetCardAccountList Get list of cardaccount basic info including RBS numbers related to inserted ssn parameter
GetStatement Get list of transactions on inserted cardaccount rbs number and giro parameters.
GetStatementByDate Get list of transactions on inserted cardaccount rbs number and from/to dateperiod parameters.

Service documentation



The response contains a ResultStatus which contains ResultCode, ResultText and ErrorMessage to describe result.

ResultCode ResultText ErrorMessage
0 Success NULL
10 Informational f.e: Not found
20 Warning A warning message
30 Error Error condition explained


Field Type Description
CardAccountNumber string Cardaccountnumber
SSN String Social securitynumber
RBS String Unique RBS number for each cardaccount
CardNumberLast3 Decimal Last 3 digits in cardnumber
CardAccountName String Name of cardaccount
CardAccountOwnerName String Name of cardaccount owner
Issuer String Issuer
Branch String Branch
CardOwnerSSN String Social securitynumber of cardowner
CardOwnerName String Name of cardowner
CardAccountStatusCode String Statuscode of cardaccount
CardStatusCode String Statuscode of card
CardExpirationDate DateTime Card expiration date
Closed Bool Is card closed


Field Type Description
Usage Decimal Usage total
Disposal Decimal Cardaccount disposal
CurrentWithDrawalPeriod Int Current withdrawalperiod
Transaction List List of transactions


Field Type Description
Date DateTime Date of the transaction
Description String Transaction description
AmountISK Decimal Amount in ISK
AmountInCurrency Decimal Amount in original currency
TransactionCurrency String Currency code of the transaction
ExchangeRate String Currency exchangerate when the transaction was made
GiroDate DateTime Girodate
AuthorizationNumber String Authorizationnumber
CardOwnerName String Name of card owner
GoneToGiro String Has the transaction gone to giro
TransactionSource String Source of transaction
MerchantName String Name of merchant
MCC String MCC code
MCCDescription String MCC description
MCCEnglishDescription String MCC description in english
MerchantCity String Merchantcity
CardNumberMasked String Masked cardnumber

Service functionality


Takes in a list of social security numbers and returns all cardaccounts and cards related to the social security numbers. It is necessary to call this first before the other functions because the RBS numbers that this function returns are needed as input for the other functions.


Name Type Description
Status ResultStatus Out parameter that contains the result status
ssnList List List of social securitynumber


This function returns all the transactions on the giroperiod and cardaccount sent in.


Name Type Description
status ResultStatus Out parameter that contains the result status
rbs string Cardaccount unique RBS number
month Int Giro month
Year Int Giro year
transactionFrom Int Paging from
transactionTo Int Paging to


This function returns all the transactions on the cardaccount and dateperiod sent in.


Name Description
status ResultStatus Out parameter that contains the result status
rbs String Cardaccount unique RBS number
from DateTime Transactions from
to DateTime Transactions from
transactionFrom Int Paging from
transactionTo Int Paging to