
SaltPay, all rights reserved. 2022 ©

Version 2.0.2


This document describes the CardApplcationAPI REST service. It's main purpose is to enable card applications and application viewing through an API instead of a browser.

Usage guidelines

See for swagger documentation.


A test service is available for use while the client is being implemented. Contact SaltPay for test access information. When implementation is completed this information has to be replaced with the proper user account supplied by SaltPay along with a production URL. Contact SaltPay for production access.

Service overview

Service method name Description
GET /api/cardapplication/v2/cardproducts/get Get list of available card products in accordance to your user profile.
GET /api/cardapplication/v2/application/get/{id} Get information about a particular card application using a guid as an input parameter.
PUT /api/cardapplication/v2/application/cancel/{id} Cancel a particular application using a guid as an input parameter.
POST /api/cardapplication/v2/submit/individual Post an individual card application to the card application system.
POST /api/cardapplication/v2/submit/company Post a company card application to the card application system.
POST /api/cardapplication/v2/submit/secondary Post a secondary card application to the card application system.

Service documentation



Field Type Description
Issuer string The card product's issuer
Prefix string The card product's prefix
Code string The card product's code
Name string The card product's name
Id Guid The id used to identify a respective card product
Disclaimer string The card product's disclaimer
Decription string The card product's description
WithdrawalPeriods List of withdrawal periods The card product's allowed withdrawal periods


Field Type Description
Description string The withdrawal period description
WithdrawalPeriodValue int The withdrawal period indentifier


Field Type Description
Id Guid The application Id
Branch string Respective branch of the application
CompanyName string The respective company's name
IdentificationNumber string The cardholders identification number
Name string The cardholders name as presented on the card
CreatedAt DateTime Represents the time when the application was originally submitted
CardName string The card product name
CreatedBy string The user identification that was used when the application was created
CompanyApplicant CompanyApplicant A CompanyApplicant object
IsCompanyApplication bool Indicates whether the application is a company application or not


Field Type Description
Id Guid The company applicant Id
IdentificationNumber string Identification number of the respective company
Name string The respective company's name
NameOnCard string The company's name as presented on the card
ApplicantName string The cardholders name as presented on the card
DepartmentName string The department name
CreditLimit string The credit limit for the card account
Address string The company's address
CreatedAt DateTime Timestamp indicating when the company applicant was created in the system
CreatedBy DateTime Timestamp indicating who the company applicant was created by in the system
ModifiedAt DateTime Timestamp indicating when the company applicant was modified in the system
ModifiedBy DateTime Timestamp indicating who the company applicant was modified by in the system
IsDeleted bool Indicates whether the company applicant is deleted or not
FromNationalregistry bool Indicated whether the company applicant info is from the national registry
NewDepartment bool Indicated whether the company applicant department is new or not


Field Type Description
CardProductId Guid The card product id
Branch string Respective branch of the application
Delivery string Indicates where the card should be delivered to
PaperLess bool Should the card account be paperless or not
ReplacementCardNumber string A replacement card number.
Notes string Any notes the card applicant wants to have attached to the application
FallBackOnPrepaid bool If the application is not accepted, a prepaid card is issued instead
WithdrawalLimit WithdrawalLimit An WithdrawalLimit object
CardHolderInfo CardHolderInfo A CardHolderInfo object
Notifications Notifications A Notifications object
DirectDebit DirectDebit A DirectDebit object
WithdrawalPeriod int The withdrawal period of the future card account


Field Type Description
DomesticWithdrawalLimit string If applicable, the domestic withdrawal limit
InternationalWithdrawalLimit string If applicable, the international withdrawal limit
NormalWithdrawalLimit string The withdrawal limit


Field Type Description
IApplication IApplication IndividualApplication is identical to IApplication


Field Type Description
IApplication IApplication CompanyCardApplication inherits and implements everything from IApplication
CompanyInfo CompanyCardInfo object The company info associated to the card
ContactInfo CardHolderInfo object The contact info for the application
Spokesman CardHolderInfo object The spokesman info for the application


Field Type Description
IApplication IApplication SecondaryApplication inherits and implements everything from IApplication
MainCardHolder MainCardHolder object The main cardholder info associated to the primary card account


Field Type Description
AccountKey string A account key identifier
ForeignPurchaseAllowed bool Indicates whether foreign purchases are allowed
SocialSecurityNumber string The company card holders social security number
Name string The company card holders name
DepartmentName string The company card holders department name
DepartmentID string The company card holders department ID
TransactionWebAccess int Determines whether the card holder has access to the TransactionWeb, None = 0; Full = 1; Department = 2; Card = 3
Address string The company card holders address
BusinessActivities string The company card holders business activities


Field Type Description
Name string The cardholders name
SocialSecurityNumber string The cardholders ssn
Email string The cardholders email
MobilePhone string The cardholders mobile phone
HomePhone string The cardholders home phone
WorkPhone string The cardholders work phone
FactaStatus int The cardholders facta status
FactaSSNTIN string The cardholders FactaSSNTIN
CountryCode string The cardholders country code
Workplace string The cardholders job title and workplace
Address AddressInfo object The cardholders address info
Property AddressInfo object The cardholders property address info
PoliticalConnection PoliticalConnection object The cardholders political connection
CRS1 CRSInfo object The cardholders CRS
CRS2 CRSInfo object The cardholders CRS


Field Type Description
AddressType int Type of address, i.e. 0 = from national registry, 1 = not from national registry, 2 = foreign
Address string The address
Address2 string The address
Address3 string The address
PostalCode string The postal code
CountryCode string The country code


Field Type Description
PoliticalConnectionPosition string The position of the relative the political connection
PoliticalConnectionRelativeName string The name of the relative of the political connection


Field Type Description
State string The CRS State
TIN string The CRS TIN

Service functionality

GET /api/cardapplication/v2/cardproducts/get

Input is an issuer and a boolean value indicating if the function should return company card products or individual card products.

Name Type Description
issuer string Indicates which issuer's card products to return
individula bool a boolean value indicating if the function should return company card products or individual card products

Name Field Description
application List of CardProductDefinition objects A list of card product definitions

GET api/cardapplication/v2/application/get/{id}

This function returns the relative application according to the id.

Name Type Description
id Guid A guid identifying the application.

Name Field Description
application CardApplicationSlim A model containing info about an existing application

PUT /api/cardapplication/v2/application/cancel/{id}

This function cancels an existing application

Name Field Description
id Guid An id representing an existing application

POST /api/cardapplication/v2/submit/individual

This function submits an individual application and returns the respective id.

Name Field Description
application IndividualApplication A model containing all info on an individual application

Name Field Description
id Guid A Guid that represents the newly created application id

POST /api/cardapplication/v2/submit/company

This function submits a company application and returns the respective id.

Name Field Description
application CompanyCardApplication A model containing all info on a company card application

Name Field Description
id Guid A Guid that represents the newly created application id

POST /api/cardapplication/v2/submit/secondary

This function submits a secondary application and returns the respective id.

Name Field Description
application SecondaryApplication A model containing all info on a secondary card application

Name Field Description
id Guid A Guid that represents the newly created application id